Guillermo Cano

Since I finished my studies in computer science in 2010, I´ve worked in the line of software development with different technologies and different areas. Thanks to my capacity and abilities, I was able to work in each phase of the project, from the conception of the idea (analysis) to it´s completion (start-up). Over time, I was able to obtain a master´s degree in project management and leadership, which allowed me to lead teams and successfully develop projects in their entirety.

I have been fortunate to develop software projects in different business models successfully:

  • Distributed, mobile and web applications in home banking for financial entities.
  • ERP and CRM applications for SMEs.
  • Dynamic and mobile web applications for SMEs and corporations of any kind: blogs, online stores, educational platforms, forums, corporate websites, etc.
Why choose me
Experience and professionalism.

Solid knowledge acquired by more than 10 years of experience and study. I can develop applications from scratch, modify open source applications or plugins and adjust them to the client’s needs.

Budget adapted to each client.

Thanks to the experience gained, I can provide a suitable solution for each client, from a small informative website to a cloud service with high traffic. For outsourcing the price is quite flexible according to the number of monthly projects.

Custom development.

The client does not adapt to the software, I make the software adapt to the client.

Quality and commitment.

In each project I always give my best, fulfilling the agreed objectives and times.

Security and trust.

Each development is personalized and unique, it did not repurpose codes and I protect the intellectual property of each client.

Adaptation and empathy.

If required, I can work as a team and adapt to the company’s methodology and protocols, aligning myself with its objectives.

Support 24/7.

Doubts, queries or bugs are resolved quickly.

Proyect Management

Lead team. Estimation of times, actions and resources. Design diverse strategies that allow the client to achieve the defined objectives. Ensure constant customer and team satisfaction. Establish methods and procedures. Control and monitor each phase.

Web development

I develop web applications from scratch with the latest technology and standards. Informational websites, e-commerce, e-learning, etc. Manageable, easy to use, adaptive and optimized for SEO.

Mobile development

For web applications (informative, e-commerce, e-learning, etc.), music, network transactions, interact with content providers, GPS, etc.

ERP or CRM systems

Development or maintenance of local or distributed ERP or CRM applications

API development in the cloud

Development of REST or SOAP services.

Database management and reporting

For corporate systems, websites.

Cloud Computing

Configuration, development and consulting of services oriented to the cloud, Google Cloud.

2014 - present
Freelancer (Remoto) -

  • Web Development: Design, creation, and maintenance of websites and web-based applications using technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript (React, Vanilla, JQuery, etc.), as well as backend development with languages like PHP and Python. Experienced in managing relational and non-relational databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB.
  • Mobile Development: Creation of native mobile applications for iOS and Android, as well as cross-platform applications using technologies like Flutter or React Native. Focus on performance optimization, user experience (UX/UI), and integration of RESTful APIs and cloud services.
  • Project Management: Direct communication with clients to gather requirements, define project scope, and provide regular updates. Skilled in leading and collaborating with multidisciplinary teams to ensure on-time and budget-compliant delivery of solutions.
  • Technology Integration: Implementation of CMS systems such as WordPress, Shopify, or Joomla; integration of third-party tools and APIs like Stripe, PayPal, Firebase, and AWS services; and experience with advanced technologies like Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) and development with stacks like MERN (MongoDB, React, Node).
  • Optimization and Security: Optimization of web and mobile performance through technical SEO techniques, speed and performance analysis; and strengthening application security using modern encryption practices and vulnerability prevention.
  • Problem-Solving and Support: Post-development maintenance and technical support, bug resolution, periodic updates, and functionality enhancements to meet clients’ evolving needs.
  • Self-Management and Continuous Learning: Ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously, meet strict deadlines, and stay up-to-date with the latest market trends and technologies.

2014 - present
Consultant, Analyst and Web Developer (Remotely) - 7Strategy

  • Analysis and development of web systems.
  • Languages used for software development: php, python, javascript, html5 and css3.
  • Data Bases used: MySql and MongoDB.
  • Libraries: React and React Native.
  • Frameworks used: JQuery, Mootools, Prototype and Codeigniter.
  • CMS Management: Magento and WordPress.
  • Version Control System used: Mercurial and Git.
  • IDEs used: Eclipse PDT and NetBeans.
  • Operative Systems: Windows, Linux and MAC OX.

2013 - 2014
Programmer Analyst - LogiCenter

  • Continuation of implementation and maintenance of different distributed and mobile systems oriented to the financial sector.
  • Code quality review, test execution and code refactoring. Development of mobile clients for online payments through the use of a card reader (magnetic stripe and chip).
  • Research of a custom login for Windows.
  • Languages used for software development: C#, VisualBasic, Java, Java Movile, Objective C, C and C++.
  • Data Bases used: SqlServer 2008.
  • Version Control System used: Mercurial, Git and SourceSafe.
  • IDEs used: XCode, Android Studio, Eclipse CDT, NetBeans, Borland and Visual Studio 2010.
  • Operative Systems: Windows Server 2005, Windows Server 2008, Fedora and MAC OX.

2011 - 2012
Programmer Analyst and Proyect Lead - Solid Inversiones

  • Activities management and control of times.
  • Code quality review, test execution and code refactoring.
  • Analysis and modeling of requirements (UML).
  • Software development and maintenance.
  • Preparation and realization of unit and integration tests.
  • Data Bases used: Sql Server 2005, Sql Server 2008 and Oracle 11g.
  • Version Control System used: SubVersión and Mercurial.
  • IDEs used: NetBeans and Eclipse.
  • Frameworks used: iReport, Spring and JPA (Hibernate).

2011 - 2012
Programmer Analyst - Handel Soft

  • Software development with design patterns and good practices.
  • Tools used for proyect management: Jira, Fisheye, Confluence and Bamboo.
  • Data Bases used: Postgres.
  • Version Control System used: SubVersión and Mercurial.
  • IDEs used: SpringSource (STS).
  • Frameworks used: Maven, GWT, Spring, Spring Roo, Spring Security and JPA).

2010 - 2011
Programmer Analyst - LogiCenter

  • Analysis and modeling of requirements (UML).
  • Continuing development of unfinished projects and development of new components for current systems (Translink Transaction Services, Metaphor Development Studio and Translink Authentication Services). Systems oriented to the financial sector.
  • Software development with design patterns (Partners) and following the ISO-2008 guidelines (delivery of artifacts and follow procedures).
  • Languages used for software development: C#, VisualBasic and Java.
  • Data Bases used: Oracle 10g, SqlServer 2005 and 2008.
  • Version Control System used: SourceSafe.
  • IDEs used: NetBeans and Visual Studio 2005, 2008, 2010.

2015 - 2018
Master in Design, Management and Project Direction - European University of the Atlantic

Master in Design, Management and Project Direction

2012 - 2012
Bachelor - San Pablo Catholic University

Bachelor of Computer Engineering from the School of Computer Science.

2003 - 2010
Graduated - San Pablo Catholic University

Graduated in Computer Engineering from the School of Computer Science

Design Skills
  • Adobe XD
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Sketch
  • Marvel App
Language skills
  • Spanish (native)
  • English
  • Portuguese